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Upcoming gatherings on Early Christianity and Patristics


Upcoming talks by prominent scholars in the field


Summer programs, online courses, and more


Current exhibitions relating to the world of the Fathers


Opportunities to visit holy sites, monasteries, and ancient lands

Events Menu


2--5 April 2025

Nicaea 2025: Context, Event, and Reception (Rome, Augustinianum/Angelicum)

Conference on the 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicaea. Plenary speakers include Lewis Ayres, Alberto Camplani, Mark del Cogliano, Samuel Fernández, Helene Grelier-Deneux, David Hunter, Uta Heil, Johan Leemans, Christoph Markschies, Giulio Maspero, Sébastien Morlet, Emanuel Prinzivalli, Angelo Segneri, Peter Van Nuffelen, Rowan Williams, Alfons Furst.

For details and information, click here.

27--29 April 2025

6th International Colloquium on St. Maximus the Confessor: “Maximus the Confessor and the Mystery of Divine Revelation,” Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 6th International Colloquium on St. Maximus the Confessor, focused on the theme “Maximus the Confessor and the Mystery of Divine Revelation.” This conference is organized by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, in collaboration with the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Károli Gáspár University of the Protestant Church in Hungary (Budapest, Hungary) and the International Center for Orthodox Studies (Niš, Serbia). This colloquium is dedicated to honoring Professor Paul M. Blowers, a distinguished scholar and authority on St. Maximus the Confessor, on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The conference proceedings will be published as a Festschrift in Professor Blowers’ honor within the Subsidia Maximiana series by Brepols. The overarching theme of the conference is divine self-revelation in the theology and exegesis of St. Maximus the Confessor. Papers are invited on various aspects of this theme.

Deadline for submissions: December 1, 2024

For details and information, click here.

22--24 April 2025

Annual Meeting of the North American Patristics Society (NAPS), Chicago, IL

The North American Patristics Society is a scholarly organization dedicated to the study of the history, literature, and theology of ancient Christianity. Founded in 1970, the Society welcomes a diversity of disciplinary and methodological approaches and invites the participation of scholars at all stages of their careers; NAPS boasts a large and active graduate student membership. It's annual meeting is held each year in Chicago.

Call for papers is closed. 

Registration is now open.

For details and information, click here.

3--6 June 2025

Augustine on Order: An International Workshop on Early Christian Philosophy (Padua)

A two-day international workshop on Augustine’s De ordine will be held in Padua on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 June 2024.

For details and information, click here.

3--6 June 2025

3rd Annual Paideia Conference: 'The Beauty of a God Who is Among Us' (Antiochian Village, PA)

'Paideia,' a community of Orthodox Christian scholars, clergy, and laity, invites proposals for papers of 25-30 minutes, centering on the theme, 'The Beauty of a God Who is Among Us.' This theme focuses on the incarnational character of the Christian worldview, which sees the whole of created reality, culminating in the Incarnation of Christ, as a symbolic and sacramental structure proclaiming the goodness and holiness of the Creator. This year's keynote speakers are Andrew Gould and Edith M. Humphreys.

Deadline for submissions: February 25, 2025

For details and information, click here.

3--7 June 2025

Nicaea and the Church of the Third Millenium: Towards Catholic-Orthodox Unity (Rome, IOTA/Angelicum)

This conference will focus on articulating this common faith in today’s world with a view of moving two churches closer to full communion. Over 100 experts from different Christian traditions will discuss such topics as the doctrines of the trinity and incarnation, synodality and primacy, heresy and schism, the date of Easter, and other practical matters in light of the First Ecumenical Council. Lewis Ayres, Mark DelCogliano, George Demacopoulos, Fr. Hyacinthe Destivelle, Paul Gavrilyuk, Cyril Hovorun, Andrej Jevtić, Dimitrios Keramidas, Young Kim, Cardinal Kurt Koch, Matthew Levering, Bishop Kyrillos (Los Angeles), David Luy, Amphilochios Miltos, Irina Paert, Aristotle Papanikolaou, Katerina Pekridou, Metropolitan Job of Pisidia, Mark S. Smith, Richard Swinburne, Julija Naett Vidovic, Thomas Joseph White, Myriam Wijlens, Archbishop Rowan Williams, Gayle Woloschak.

For details and information, click here.

24--29 August 2025

25th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Vienna

The International Congress of Byzantine Studies is the world’s largest academic event dedicated to the latest research and findings on the Byzantine Empire, its history, and culture. Since the first congress in 1924 in Bucharest, it has been held approximately every five years in different locations, attracting up to 1,500 participants in recent years. In 2026, the 25th Congress will take place in Vienna, where researchers from around the globe will present their work in hundreds of presentations.

Call for papers deadline: April 30, 2025.

For more details and information, click here.



Saturday, 20 March 2024, 7:30 - 9:00 pm (Harvard Divinity School)

Boston Area Patristics Group

David Hunter (Boston College), TBD

For information, contact Andrew Jacobs.

Saturday, 25 March 2024, 6:30 pm (St Michael's College, Toronto)

1700 Years Nicene Creed (325-2025): Sources, Meaning, and Lasting Impact

Hubertus Drobner (Paderborn)

For information and details, click here.

Saturday, 24 April 2024, 7:30 - 9:00 pm (Harvard Divinity School)

Boston Area Patristics Group

Maia Kotrosits (Harvard University), TBD

For information, contact Andrew Jacobs.

Saturday, 3 May 2024, 10am - 12pm (Providence College/Zoom)

Providence Patristics Group

Colum Dever (Providence College), “The Figure of Echo in the Passio Perpetua et Felicitatis”

For information, contact Susan Harvey or Arthur Urbano.


Courses and Workshops

3--7 March 2025

The Greek Book: Paleography, Transmission, & Critical Editions 400 BCE - 1550 CE

The Rare Book & Manuscript Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is proud to announce the inaugural workshop in its new Global Book History at Illinois series. This program is designed to provide high-level instruction for advanced students, faculty, and staff at the University and across the country in underexplored scholarly areas pertaining to the history of the book. The goal of the program is to champion new areas of bibliographical study and make that work as publicly accessible as possible. 'The Greek Book' will cover three units taught by distinguished specialists in the field.

Professor Immaculada Pérez Martín, The History of Greek Texts and Books – From Stone to Paper
This session will discuss the materiality of early Greek book production from manuscript to print (approximately 400 BCE-1550 CE), including the preparation of papyrus, vellum, and paper; the work of scribes and the various common hands; and the evolution of early modern printing and Greek fonts.

Professor Emeritus Agamemnon Tselikas, Greek Paleography I –  From Manuscript to Transcription
This part of the workshop will cover the analyses of physical texts, the identification of written hands and letters, and provide instruction on formal transcriptions of manuscript texts. Note: Strict attention will be paid to the functions of diacritics and aspirants in this section.

Professor  Georgios Xenis, Greek Paleography II – From Transcription to Critical Editions
This session will cover all the key elements involved in establishing a scholarly critical edition of a text. Participants will learn how to organize and evaluate manuscript evidence, develop and assess conjectures, and edit the text, complete with a critical apparatus and an apparatus of parallel passages.

Tuition for this program is completely free and participants will need to arrange their own travel and lodging accommodations. Participants who wish to apply for attendance in the program should submit a brief statement of interest with a note on their current facility with the Greek language and a copy of their CV to Cait Coker ( and Elias Petrou ( by January 15, 2025.

9--13 June 2025

London International Paleography School

The London International Palaeography School is a series of intensive courses in Palaeography and Manuscript Studies. The Summer School runs annually in London, while online courses run throughout the year. In addition to courses on the palaeography of manuscripts from a wide range of regions and time periods, subject areas include illuminated manuscripts, codicology, and manuscript editing. The 2025 Summer School includes Introduction to Palaeography and Manuscript Studies (Katherine Hindley and Laura Cleaver); Textual Editing: philosophical and theological texts throughout the Middle Ages (Zita Toth and Dr Daniel Hadas); and other courses.

For more information, click here.



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Trips and Excursions

No new information at this time.


Thanks for submitting!


The Pappas Patristic Institute at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology |​ 50 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, MA 02445 |​ (617) 651-0610                                                                


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